
Uses of Precipitated Silica in Rubber Industry

March 24, 2022

Silica, or “Silicon dioxide (SiO2), is a chemical mixture of Silicon and Oxygen. There are various forms of Silicon dioxide, but the two most prominent ones are hydrated and precipitated silica. Hydrated silica contains water, whereas precipitated silica is a dry, zero-moisture version of synthetic amorphous silica.

Quartz sand is a crystalline version of Silicon dioxide derived from precipitated silica. It can also be produced by precipitating solutions that contain silicate salts. That’s why precipitated silica manufacturers play vital roles in multiple industries.

They’re used to enhance the manufacturing processes of countless products, especially in the rubber industry. Precipitated silica was first used in the rubber industry in the early 20th century to address shortages of natural rubber. Since then, precipitated silica solutions have become indispensable materials in the rubber industry.

Here are essential uses of precipitated silica in the rubber industry -

Formulation of High-Performance Tires

Precipitated silica is used in the manufacture of high-performance tires. It improves the physical properties of rubber tires, making them stronger and more resistant to abrasions and tears. The wet grip of the tires also improves; hence they can be used in high-intensity situations.

Here are some other advantages of using silica in high-performance tires are –

  • • Tires with silica have better tensile strength, hardness, and improved tear/abrasion resistance.
  • • Cars with silica tires offer better mileage and fuel efficiency due to the tires’ enhanced rolling resistance.
  • • Better safety thanks to improved wet traction of the tires.
  • • Increased durability of the tires.
  • • Better road handling, especially on icy winter roads.

Using silica as a filler in tires improves the overall performance, efficiency, and safety. Plus, tire manufacturers don’t have to use carbon black as a filler when they use precipitated silica. In this way, precipitated silica manufacturers help tire-producing companies meet their eco-sustainability goals.

Industrial Rubber Application

Precipitated silica particles are used as reinforcing agents in industrial rubber products. These particles form solid physical bonds with the rubber molecules, making them stronger. The use of robust and silica-infused rubber to produce essential industrial items like gaskets, seals, belts, etc., is significant.

Rubber items used in industrial equipment must be durable and resistant to tears, abrasions, and heat buildup. Precipitated or dry silica particles help manufacture such strong rubber products. These strong rubber products are then used to manufacture or assemble industrial equipment like engine mounts, conveyor belts, gaskets, etc.

Use in Silicone Rubber

In the building sector, silicone rubber is typically utilised. The fusion of silica and rubber produces silicone rubber super-adhesive to metals, glass, ceramics, and plastics. This material is used to produce electronics and coatings that must be resistant to high temperatures and abrasive chemicals.

Food-grade silicone rubber is used to make molds and utensils. The molds used by confectionery companies are made of flexible silicone rubber.

Rubber for Footwear

Precipitated silica manufacturers play a central role in the global footwear manufacturing industry. Adding precipitated silica to rubber footwear products makes them stiffer, more durable, more abrasion resistant, and comfortable. Since precipitated silica particles are tiny and delicate, they disperse quickly inside rubber footwear products.

The resulting footwear items last longer. They also have brighter colours and are generally more comfortable to wear. Most sports and running shoes feature silicone insoles made of liquid silicone rubbers. These rubbers make the shoes better equipped to handle intense running or exercising.

The rubber industry is also highly dependent on precipitated silica as the global food industry.

Connect with Prakash Chemicals International for precipitated silica. Through a combination of global distribution and manufacturing expertise, we bring you quality-assured, consistent quantity, and time-bound delivery of chemicals.

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